A7GEAW_2378638bWheatgrass juice is food and you should think about it like a salad in a glass. It is a great addition for the entire family and our juice is desirable before, during and after pregnancy.

Something You Need To Know

Our wheatgrass juice is different. DynamicGreens field grows our wheatgrass plants. As a result, our juice is extremely clean and you can use it confidently.

Not all wheatgrass is created equal and greenhouse grown grasses almost always have issues with mold. We can’t recommend juice from greenhouse grown plants to anyone at anytime. As a result of greenhouse mold issues, you may find health professionals that suggest you avoid wheatgrass. This is not related to wheatgrass, they are concerned about adverse effects caused by mold.

Most wheatgrass juice that is available at juice bars, health food stores or specialty grocery stores comes from greenhouse growing operations where mold is a significant issue. Most of us are allergic to these molds and they can cause anything from mild (normally slight nausea) to severe reactions.

Make sure that if you are consuming wheatgrass juice, it only comes from field grown plants.

2015-02-26T14:52:45-05:00 Wheatgrass Juice For Pregnant Women And Nursing Mothers https://www.dynamicgreens.com Dynamic Greens Wheatgrass Juice 128 128 150 150